
Had great opportunities to meet people from all over the world - experts, professionals, and masters in their own field. I always look forward to sharing knowledge and expertise with fellow scientists, doctors, and health practitioners!

Doctors, Specialists, and Most Honourable Guests, Praised Prof. Dr Mike Chan at the 2024 HEALinc Future Health Summit

Such was the Glory of God to bestow upon us a game-changing opportunity when the doors of the Bahamas has been opened up for Stem Cells, Peptides, and Exosomes in Regenerative Medicine, to flourish in this unique Island Country. I am truly grateful to have had the event graced by the Prime Minister of The Bahamas, Philip Davis, Deputy Prime Minister, Chester Cooper, and the Minister of Health and Social Development, Dr Michael Darville. Such a marvelous experience!

Spending five minutes talking to yourself in the mirror and acting upon your thoughts is the finest thing you can do in the morning.

Dr. Farhana Sultana,
Founder & CEO of HerWILL

“It was truly inspiring to see the global reach of your work and how you are able to not only save lives but help to empower communities in the process. It was truly eye opening and also very intriguing. I enjoyed every minute.

Dr Vernon Davis Jr.,
Assistant Hospital Administrator

I want to learn more about treating with precision in stem cells, peptides and exosomes. I want to attend your training program. Thanks for your lectures which showed me that it is possible to overcome my problem. Your lectures are fantastic and stimulating for me. I want to learn and get started in my learning process. Let us know how this can happen. Thanks.

Dr Flora Mackay,

Indeed, it was eye-opening!

Christal Woodside,
Spa Director

The best! Thank you for all you’ve created and all you share. What a gift you are in this world! I will love to read the presentation you gave. I really hope to see you here next year if not sooner. 🙏🏽

Dr Jessica Ruth Shepard
Holistic Health Coach

So great to meet you. Thanks for spending the time. God’s work!

Dr Greg Neil,
Plastic Surgeon

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Commendations from Participants at Asia Dermatology & Aesthetic Medicine Summit 2023 (ADAMS), Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur

I recently had the privilege to attend the Asia Dermatology & Aesthetic Medicine Summit 2023 (ADAMS). Amongst a slew of impactful presentations, one dynamic speaker stood out – and left an indelible mark on me.

Meet Prof. Dato’ Sri. Dr. Mike Chan: With a portfolio of founding over 40 medical wellness and diagnostic centres globally and a staggering 30+ years of unparalleled success, his energy and passion for the field are contagious. What intrigued me further was his unwavering commitment to the Malaysian healthcare sector. Despite his vast achievements and global footprints, his roots remain firm.

In a fortunate twist of events, I managed to carve out an hour from his hectic schedule. His drive and motivation were palpable as we delved deep into our conversation. It’s moments like these – crossing paths with such luminaries – that reignite our passion and commitment to our professions, with a special focus on Regenerative Medicine. Especially for a young doctor like myself, meeting Prof. Mike was nothing short of serendipitous.

To Prof. Mike, I hope our paths cross again, perhaps at another international lecture where I can draw more from your wellspring of knowledge and inspiration.

It’s nice always to seek out your sources of inspiration. Let’s stay excited, keep learning, and remember that the world is full of remarkable individuals who can uplift our spirits and ambitions.

Dr. Suffian Sani, MD

Commendations from Participants at Global Unity Gathering 2022, Marco Island, Florida

Personally invited by Her Holiness Sai Maa to be the special guest speaker on the event's opening day, presenting about stem cells, peptides, and exosomes. This was done live in front of both a physical and online audience consisting of participants from over 41 countries - a truly special evening!

“I just learned that there is a whole world of cells. He really got into a lot of depth and layers of mastery of it – it just opened me up to a whole world I know nothing of.”

“My deepest gratitude to Maa for bringing such amazing knowledge and such a powerful person to us. I’m in the healthcare field and it’s so beautiful to see science and spirituality coming back together again.”

“What I really like and what I’ve observed in my career is what he said about “no size fits all”. The fact that the patient is very much empowered and involved in their own healing. I think the paradigm is really changing in the healthcare system. It’s very helpful, because many patients don’t feel seen or heard – and he takes a lot of time to really know his patients and tailor a plan for them with all these options he discussed… It was very inspiring for what I think is the future of how we practice health care and in the new paradigm rather than a more passive approach.”

“I was so impressed with the amount of knowledge that this man has accumulated and the dedication that he has to find out more and more that he can contribute. I was just so moved.”

“I found it so incredibly moving to realize that when your passion in life, your mission in life is service, and to make this a better world… and to help, as he said, the children of the lesser gods – that was so beautiful – then you indeed can work 16-17 hours a day; sleep is almost unimportant. That example itself, I thought, was so amazing. I was moved by his dedication and I think he needs to be a role model for everybody to make this world a better place.”

“The depth of what Dr. Mike goes into, and one of the key aspects of his work that resonates so deeply with me is the word ‘precision’. The precision that his work operates at. And it speaks to me in a way that brings me into an alignment with the precision that I can now take into my spiritual practice. It’s not a nebulous affair; I’m not just sitting in meditation and looking at things globally, but really getting specific and really precise about where I work with the cells and how I do the work with the cells – and getting extraordinary results from that precision. I love that precise approach to his work.”

“One of the things that I was really struck with Dr. Mike was the ease and the clarity that he expressed the radical responsibility we have to care for ourselves, our bodies, our brains, and our consciousness – and how that, in effect, is the platform to be able to stand on to serve others.”

“I was totally amazed and blessed by all of this knowledge that Dr. Chan was pouring so generously. It brought clarity to my energetic work that I’m already doing with myself, so that clarity that was brought to my consciousness, I really feel that it will bring miracles into my life. I feel totally blessed with that addition of knowledge that I was gifted today.”

Science, credibility, fame, you have it all. You are amazingly accomplished. Congrats.

Dr. Martin Dayton
President of the AASCP, USA

Dr Chan is a true scientist and clearly communicated advances in regenerative medicine in Europe which is in my opinion a quantum leap compared to the United States.

My mind was blown and my jaw was on the floor listening to your lectures. I couldn’t help looking at my colleagues at my table in the eye laughing and saying I feel like we are in kindergarten here in the United States compared to European technology in the field of Regenerative Medicine.

Dr. James Joseph
Chicago, USA

Dr. Mike and Dr. Dmitry are the superstars of this event here in Miami. Their knowledge, enthusiasm, and presentations are light years ahead of curve. They are the rock stars of the stem cell world. They are very humble innovators that truly care about the greater good of what they are working towards. I found their presentations absolutely fascinating. The depth of the clinical application is endless. They are so expansively knowledgeable. I cannot wait to learn and apply what they have taught me to my patients.

Josephine Bonell, MD

The wonderful insight of you regarding regenerative medicine. Need to spread this knowledge to the world.

Zahoorddin, MD

Great presentation on new concept of tissue and organ specific conditions.

Colin Chan, MD

Very good lecture. Dr. Mike has the charm and is very helpful.

Robert S. Hamilton, MD

Excellent! Exceeded my expectation. Please comeback for more teaching.

Marina Richards, MD

Worth the whole trip. One of the best ever.

Greg J. Vigoren, DDS

Great lecture.

Karen Campisano

Great lecture.

Muhammad Ashraf, MD

Great lecture.

Warren Bleiweiss, MD

The lectures were thorough comprehensive and insightful. I feel like a whole new world opened up.

Sunny Kim, MD

I enjoyed. The lecture was very informative.

Sherwood Swartz, MD

Very informative presentation.

Gwen Gowery, Publisher

I have been a pioneer in the field of Regenerative Medicine for many years, but the knowledge and therapies I have utilizied from Dr. Chan have enhanced the ability of my patients to heal themselves better than I knew was possible. I believe Dr. Chan along with the European Wellness Group are dramatically improving the future of humanity.

Dr. James Joseph
Chicago, USA

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